Watch Lesson #3: How To build a business to do alongside home education
In this video, I discussed how I managed to run a successful business while homeschooling my children. However, I want to clarify a mistake in the video: I referred to both my students and my children as "children," which might have caused some confusion. What I meant to say was that I taught my own children how to behave and settle in the home when I had to work with my students. This included being quiet and not running around the house or distracting me unless it was an emergency.
As my business developed, my children became more involved. They joined some of my classes, and as the years went on, they began contributing to the business by creating materials or even teaching younger children. I delve deeper into their development in the Enterprise Plan, but in general, all my children have learned good financial management and developed a business mindset.
Here are the lessons covered in Module 3:
Lesson 1: Why a Home-Based Business Is a Good Idea When Home Educating
Lesson 2: How to Start Recommended Businesses for Home Educators -
Lesson 3: How to Start a Family Business with Kids' Involvement
Lesson 4: How to Recognise Your Gifts and Talents for Business Potential
Additionally, you can download the eBook listed below, which includes a list of business ideas, potential benefits, pitfalls, and the money that can be earned. It also provides guidance on how to set up a business.
I also encourage you to watch the video of my daughter starting her first business at 13 and attending business shows. It’s a great example of how young minds can thrive in entrepreneurship.
I hope you found this module helpful! Click on Module 4 to continue with the next video. If you're looking for the deals section, you can find it in our Facebook group!